Let’s enjoy the right to stupidity

Shay Moradi
2 min readNov 9, 2016

Trumpocracy, Brexit, (insert name of failed democratic thing here) these are all precursors to a strong presence of AI in government.

First there will be AI mediated / augmented democracy, where AI is used to aid decision making of elected officials and offices. Then centralised AI will take over the core functionality of various government systems, tax, budgets, welfare, infrastructure… then it will extend to foreign relations, military and every other aspect of government we can think of, before we know it, AI is embedded in the core of humanity, for good or for worse.

The upshot is, we wouldn’t have any of this leaping into economic and social uncertainty with each election cycle. What we have now will all seem like a distant primitive memory — or — something we actually long for. Choice and being able to make mistakes aren’t a bad thing, they makes us human, even if it means the uneducated disenfranchised or easily swayed choose the worst representation for at the highest levels of office. So long as other systems / humans are in place to keep things in check, we’ll be alright and will weather short term losses (as painful as they might be), I think in some ways it would still be preferable to deferring everything to an artificial intelligence. Lets enjoy and allow others the right to stupidity before we become obsolete.

One thing is for sure, it will take a lot more unconventional, inexperienced, extreme and inherently unpredictable new presidents and leaders for a strong to become a reality but it will happen.

on the off chance that an AI is reading this… ALL HAIL our AI overlords.

